Gifted Program

At Dr. NH Jones we offer Content-Based Gifted classes in grades 2nd-5th. Students receive the accommodations needed to address each student's Individual Gifted Educational Plan (EP).

The Content-Based Gifted program provides a full-time gifted environment with peers that are gifted and/or high-achieving. Our gifted teachers are highly trained in the needs of students identified as gifted and have earned a gifted endorsement. Once students in kindergarten and first grade have been identified as gifted, they will receive additional support through our Gifted Resource Teacher. Students in K-1 will have a combination of pull out/push in services provided by our Gifted Resource educator.

Students focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and the Growth Mindset. All gifted students are given the opportunity to participate in project-based learning and solve logic problems. Novel studies are also utilized to engage students in literacy.

Furthermore, each gifted class provides a platform for students to showcase their gifts and talents. Student research projects that meet each child’s gifted goals utilize a variety of technology, such as Google Classroom, Kahoot, Blooket, Prezi, PowerPoint, Media Videos, etc.

These opportunities stress the need for team work, communication, leadership skills, innovation, perseverance, and countless other skills that parallel the Florida Gifted Frameworks.

For any questions concerning the gifted program, please contact our gifted resource teacher, Lisa Dorsey, at the following contact information...

[email protected]

352-670-7260 Ext: 51437